More samples on Indian languages (Bhojpuri, Hindi, Kannada, Gujarati) can be found on our Github repository.
We present ParrotTTS, a modularized text-to-speech synthesis model leveraging disentangled self-supervised speech representations. It can train a multi-speaker variant effectively using transcripts from a single speaker. ParrotTTS adapts to a new language in low resource setup and generalizes to languages not seen while training the self-supervised backbone. Moreover, without training on bilingual or parallel examples, ParrotTTS can transfer voices across languages while preserving the speaker-specific characteristics, e.g., synthesizing fluent Hindi speech using a French speaker’s voice and accent. We present extensive results in monolingual and multi-lingual scenarios. ParrotTTS outperforms state-of-the-art multi-lingual TTS models using only a fraction of paired data as latter.
Source Text | SS-Tacotron2 (Baseline) | SS-FastSpeech2 (Baseline) | SS-FastSpeech2-SupASR (Baseline) | SS-Tacotron2-UnsupASR (Baseline) | SS-WavThruVec (Baseline) | SS-VQVAE (Baseline) | ParrotTTS: NAR-TTE (Ours-Main) | ParrotTTS: NAR-TTE (Ours-Half-Transcripts) | ParrotTTS: AR-TTE (Ours) |
Under the conditions referred to in the previous chapter. | |||||||||
Modern printers understand this, but it is only practiced in the very best establishments. | |||||||||
And therefore approximately one point six seconds after the president was shot in the head. | |||||||||
A formal and thorough description of the responsibilities of the advance agent is now in preparation by the service. | |||||||||
And investigative capabilities of the agencies now operating in this field but will continue. | |||||||||
The department hopes to design a practical system which will fully meet the needs of the protective research section of the secret service. |
Source Text | GT-Mel+Vocoder | MS-FastSpeech2 (Baseline) | MS-FastSpeech2-SupASR (Baseline) | VC-FastSpeech2 (Baseline) | MS-WavThruVec (Baseline) | ParrotTTS: NAR-TTE (Ours-Main) |
Until recently she worked as a recruitment consultant in London. | ||||||
No one in downing street can speak the language of the unions. | ||||||
The key player in this matter is now the prime minister. | ||||||
I tried to be cautious but its hard in that role. | ||||||
The advisors had some discussions but no conclusion was reached. |
Source Text | Language | Ground Truth | Fastspeech 2 | Meta-TTS | ParrotTTS-CTE-Model (Ours) | ParrotTTS-PTE-Model (Ours) |
The uncle claimed her. The husband resisted. | English | |||||
When Oswald was arrested in the Texas Theatre, he was wearing a brown sport shirt with a hole in the right sleeve at the elbow. | English | |||||
शिष्य सदा गुरु के पदचिह्नों पर चलता है, लेकिन उसका उद्देश्य केवल ज्ञान प्राप्त करना ही होता है। | Hindi | |||||
पाँचवीं पंचवर्षीय योजना में इसके कार्यक्षेत्र को और विस्तृत किया गया| | Hindi | |||||
--En efecto--continuó el mentiroso--, y si aquel hombre eminente defendió con tanto calor la paz con los republicanos, | Spanish | |||||
Entonces me dijeron que habiendo salido otra balandra a reconocer los restos del Rayo, y los de un navío francés que corrió igual suerte, me encontraron junto a Marcial, y pudieron salvarme la vida. | Spanish | |||||
Je leur ai donc probablement fait manger non pas du bœuf, mais du cheval. | French | |||||
n bon impôt, c’est un impôt stable, identifié, connu. | French |
Source Text | Language | Ground Truth | Fastspeech 2 | Meta-TTS | ParrotTTS-CTE-Model (Ours) | ParrotTTS-PTE-Model (Ours) |
मेजर ध्यानचंद हे भारतीय हॉकीचे खेळाडू आणि संघनायक होते. | Marathi | |||||
भालचंद्र नेमाडे यांची हिंदू ही कादंबरी अपेक्षेपेक्षा फारच कमी खपली. हिंदूच्या एकूण चार कादंबऱ्यांची मालिका निघणार. | Marathi | |||||
Aber nicht zu viel, stotterte die kleine Prezel, sonst bleibt ja garnichts mehr von mir übrig, und ich muß doch meine große Prezel suchen! | German | |||||
Wenn du jetzt nicht dein goldnes Kleid anhättest, müßtest du erfrieren; | German | |||||
la música infinita del espacio. | Spanish | |||||
Yo sí. Será porque estoy muy nerviosa. | Spanish |
Source Text | Text Language | Speaker Language | Reference Voice | Fastspeech2 | Meta-TTS | ParrotTTS (Ours) |
Capítulo Tercero de Bailen. | Spanish | Hindi | ||||
पाँचवीं पंचवर्षीय योजना में इसके कार्यक्षेत्र को और विस्तृत किया गया| | Hindi | French | ||||
पीक कर्ज वितरण कमी असलेल्या बँकांना जिल्हा प्रशासनाने कारणे दाखवा नोटीस बजवाव्यात. | Marathi | German | ||||
Je leur ai donc probablement fait manger non pas du bœuf, mais du cheval. | German | French | ||||
The middle yard, as far as its limits would permit, was appropriated to felons and transports. The wards here were generally very crowded. | English | Marathi | ||||
पाँचवीं पंचवर्षीय योजना में इसके कार्यक्षेत्र को और विस्तृत किया गया| | Hindi | English | ||||
पीक कर्ज वितरण कमी असलेल्या बँकांना जिल्हा प्रशासनाने कारणे दाखवा नोटीस बजवाव्यात. | Marathi | Spanish | ||||
Je leur ai donc probablement fait manger non pas du bœuf, mais du cheval. | French | Spanish |